Google Ads (PPC) Agency & Consultancy.

Building around data. Creating PPC campaigns that actually work.

41% of clicks on Google searches go to the top three sponsored ads.

Getting found online is tough. And while we might shout from the rooftops about how bloody brilliant SEO is, there’s no denying the place for ads. Recent studies from WordStream concluded that 41% of searches lead to an ad click. So even with top-notch SEO commanding those page-one rankings, you might still want to lean on ads from time to time to boost traffic and improve visibility.

What We Do.

  • Bog standard and not exactly the life of the party; however, Google Search ads can be one of the most effective marketing channels out there today.

    By hammering down on data and great copy, we can build ad campaigns around keywords that convert achieving ROIs of nearly 400% on average.

  • Get down and dirty with Googles display network. A network of over 2 million websites where you can showcase display (image) ads. Now that’s an opportunity not to be missed.

  • From Taylor Swift albums to your mum’s favourite dinner set, Google Shopping has it all. Showcase ads as potential customers search for your products online.

  • YouTube: The land of long-form video content. Place ads directly in and on the video network - great for products and services with visuals that hit hard.

  • Annoying but effective. Remarketing ads show your brand, products or services back to customers who have already been on your website as they parade around the internet.

  • Aren’t you lucky? ;) CC Digitals Chloe is one of the UK’s only Google Data Studio experts.

    Use our technical know-how to gather all your ads and analytics data into a report so user-friendly even your nan could read it.

I can’t make head or tail of this 🫠

Get help from Google Data Studio (Looker Studio).

Don’t drag your feet through the sand trying to make head or tail of your data.

With custom charts, filters and room for some ELI5 style explanation, we can help you customise reporting to make it make sense to your head of marketing, CEO or your nan. Point is, customisable solutions can be specifically tailored to your needs to make them as jargon-packed or jargon-free as you want.

“Google Ads don’t work for us”.

So, you ran Google Ads before and now you believe it was a terrible idea, you threw money into the pits of hell, and Google Ads reps called you relentlessly until you had a list of blocked numbers longer than Gravity's Rainbow.

Don’t hate on us for this, but we’ve been running ad campaigns for years, and if we’ve learned just one thing, it’s this:

Usually, when campaigns don’t work, it’s you, not Google. Why?

đź“Ł You bid on the wrong keywords.

đź“Ł You didn't run campaigns long enough. Optimisation requires time.

📣 You have a website that does everything under the sun but hasn’t been set up to convert.

đź“Ł You have ad copy with about as much personality as a wet stick.

📣 You didn’t focus on data. Build around what converts - not what you think will do well.

Make Google Ads Work.
01522 275 021

From The Blog.